Get Healthy & Strong
“Embrace and love your body. Care for it with the highest regard. It’s the most precious, amazing thing you will ever own.” – Paul Thomas
Modern, pharmaceutical-grade antibiotics have undoubtedly saved many lives. But as with anything in life, excessive use of even a goodRead More
Going “gluten free” seems to be all the rage these days. Some dismiss it as just another trend, but theRead More
#section_1475838130 { padding-top: 30px; padding-bottom: 30px; } SUPPORTING & BALANCING YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM FOR SUPER, WHOLE BODY PROTECTION This pastRead More
By Paul Thomas, Super-Health Coach Most people think their nose is just for smelling things and enjoying the myriad of aromasRead More
Perfect health and wellness: many of us search for it, yet it too often evades us. Although a gazillion weight-loss,Read More

Expand Your Beautiful Mind
Your Life is Like a Garden, What You Planted Yesterday Will Be Growing Today and What You Plant Today Will Be growing Tomorrow. –J.H. Tilden
By Paul ThomasAs I was walking down a path the other day, looking at the dirt, rocks, bugs, my shadow
Ever wonder how and why you attract certain things or people into your life and not others? You may think
The music by YellowBrickCinema featured in the video below is extremely popular for good reason. Kick back, put your headphones

Skyrocket Your Business
“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” — Albert Schweitzer
The marketplace is crowded with a multitude of options for just about every kind of product or service one canRead More
The music by YellowBrickCinema featured in the video below is extremely popular for good reason. Kick back, put your headphonesRead More
By Heather Mandel Are you feeling that it’s time to let go of negative people in your life? Do youRead More
It’s amazing how much information can be discovered about a person in their handwriting alone. How small or large youRead More

Get Inspired By Others
“If you are working on something that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.” – Steve Jobs
This world can be harshly critical and very unkind. It’s no wonder that a lot of people suffer from lowRead More
BEING ALIVE. Those simple words are so often taken for granted. What do they mean to you? Perhaps they signal an opportunity to… AWAKEN toRead More
Could you live without money? For many, the idea of living without money is unfathomable. But former pscyhotherapist Heidemarie Schwermer,Read More
By Paul ThomasAs I was walking down a path the other day, looking at the dirt, rocks, bugs, my shadowRead More
Often times, children have a deeper understanding of what’s truly important in life than the vast majority of adults. ForRead More
Jimmy Valvano, legendary North Carolina State basketball coach and ESPN commentator, passed away from cancer in 1993 — but not beforeRead More

Connect With Your Spirit
“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” – C.S. Lewis
by Heather Mandel Nikola Tesla famously said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in termsRead More
No doubt you’ve heard about the chakras in some form or another, and perhaps have been a bit puzzled about exactly whatRead More
There are many different forms of meditation — so many it would seem that, by now, everyone should have foundRead More
The Native Americans have a deep connection with Mother Nature and a profound understanding of life unlike any other culture.Read More
Revolutionary inventor, physicist, engineer, and futurist Nikola Tesla said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, thinkRead More
As we grow up, many of us are taught that there is a past, present, and future. However, rarely areRead More

Some of our clients praise
“Develop an ‘Attitude of Gratitude’. Say thank you to everyone you meet for everything they do for you.” –Brian Tracy
“Heather, you’re amazing! I’m looking at our email campaign metrics, and some of the email campaigns you wrote for me show MUCH higher open rates, click-through rates, and click-to-open rates than the 6-month average. We’re talking percentage increases of up to 140% in open rates, 840% in CTRs, and 430% in CTORs.
This is a huge improvement to say the least!
Thank you so much for all your hard work on getting our emails to convert better and for your help on our case studies and white papers, too. You’ve been a tremendous asset to our business development efforts and growth!!”
—Naomi Hamels, Director of Business Strategy, Altium; Former Sr. Marketing Manager, Lytx
Heather wrote dozens of email campaigns, case studies, sell sheets, white papers and more to drive the massive growth and success of Lytx, the global market leader in video-based driver safety technology and fleet management.
“I wanted to let you know I think it’s outstanding! Now I’m beginning to see the value in a first-rate site. It’s waaaaaay more current than what I had. Thank you for that.”
—Chris Keith, The Keith Brothers – Film and Theater Production Executive
Paul created a brand-new website from scratch for film and theater production executives the Keith Brothers, including all-new branding, graphics, layout and design, and marketing copy.
“I am absolutely floored by this delivery—can’t believe how much you were able to accomplish in such a short amount of time! You seem to really understand who we are and what we do, which I think is the first and most difficult hurdle. Very impressed you “got it” in only a few conversations!”
—Elisabeth Wilkie, Marketing Director, May & Company
We helped May & Company to recreate their brand personality, voice and tone, and rewrote all aspects of their marketing copy: tagline, mission, vision, values, about us, benefits, service descriptions, and more.
“I found Heather to be highly responsive, reliable, open to feedback, easy to work with, and devoted to delivering high-quality work. Because she’s so experienced, fast, and versatile, I could send her an urgent project and she’d nail it within 24 hours. As just one example, she helped us to sell out our annual conference just by changing email subject lines.”
—Robin Flaum, Director of Marketing Programs & Marketing Operations, Thermo Fisher Scientific; Former Senior Director of Marketing Communications & Operations, Lytx
For 4.5 years, Heather was a go-to marketing communications consultant and copywriter for Lytx as they rapidly grew into the $1.5 billion dollar company they are today.
“Thank you for the tons of compliments we received on the speech—all the work and tweaking and polishing paid off!”
—Joan Van Ark, Actress
Heather wrote speeches for the chief executives and film and television talent of Fox Family Worldwide, and its parent company, News Corp. She’s also written speeches for film studio executives and talent of Sony Pictures Entertainment and Disney.
“Thank you for all you accomplished these past few months. We couldn’t have asked more from you than the hard work, professionalism and excellent writing skills you exhibited. It’s been a joy working with you and getting to know you.”
—Schools First Federal Credit Union’s Marketing Team
Heather managed key external and internal communications projects for the 5th largest credit union in the U.S., and helped to add 250 new memberships to its first Los Angeles location within a month of its opening.
“Thank you, Heather! You’ve been such a fantastic partner. Your hard work and diligence on this made us look great and your sense of humor and optimism made it so fun to work with you. I’m so grateful we brought you on the project, we could not have done it without you!”
—Amber A., Former Project Manager, Lytx
Heather wrote all website copy for the 60+-page Lytx.com website; edited all copy in the back end to ensure clean, uniform copy elements; provided quality assurance for all pages, and localization for the UK version of site.