[VIDEO] Inspiring Lessons in How to Break Free From the Prison of Your Mind

In Loving Memory of Sean who gave us so much to live by. You will be missed more than words can express beautiful Sean! We love you more everyday and will aspire to live as you taught us… LAUGHING, LOVING, PLAYING, DANCING, SINGING AND JUST PLAIN HAVING FUN ON THIS RIDE!! You are awesome!

It can be hard to maintain a positive sense of self and faith that your dreams can come true when you’re overwhelmed with difficult circumstances. And it can be even harder when you’re surrounded by people who don’t believe in you, or who reinforce your negative opinion of yourself and your circumstances.

Perhaps no one understands this better than someone who is or has been in prison. They constantly deal with the profound loss of their freedom and the negative stigma society has placed on them. What’s more, they probably didn’t start out feeling very good about themselves to have committed the crimes that landed them in prison in the first place.

That’s where Sean Stephenson’s teachings come in. Stephenson, who is just under three-feet tall and was born with a rare condition that makes his bones fragile and confines him to a wheelchair, knows what it’s like to deal with severe limitation that can make one feel “imprisoned.” But he’s also broken free of the prison of his mind to live a happy and fulfilled life, and is now helping others to do the same.

Watch this inspiring video as motivational speaker and therapist Sean Stephenson speaks to an audience of prisoners and provides lessons on how to break free from the prison of your mind.

We love and miss you Sean. You are always in our hearts.